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Everyone has their own idea of home. For me it’s when the people I love and care about all come together under the same roof. The idea of home is complete when the people are there and these illustrations show exactly that. The furniture becomes whole and functional when the house fills up with the people who live in it. The structural adjustments that are suggested, may indicate who is in the house at the moment, what they have or haven’t been reading lately or even what’s for lunch the next day.

illustrations by me

booklet by Sabrina Haas

We are evolving into a disposability culture, as availability of new, cheap products is becoming more prevalent, resulting into reduced product life cycles. Emotional attachment to furniture and our belongings seems to be vastly disappearing. A current home is only a temporary environment for many of us, and it is far from practical to be emotionally attached.


This project is our attempt to escape social norms, by exploring and challenging the way we behave and feel in our homes. 

Objects used in this process whether permanent or not, are the tools we are using to achieve this way of living, that leads to a stronger emotional attachment towards the ritual, instead of the actual object.


People can use their own personal possessions to adjust the furniture in a different way, so it suits their own needs, and reflects their personality.

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